Sony Ericsson had already given a hint that, they won't be sticking to Windows Mobile for ever when it comes to the company's XPERIA range of handsets. With the latest developments happening. Sony Ericsson has said that they are studying the new mobile OS from the Open Handset Alliance, Android. T-Mobile launched the G1 phone HTC Dream with Android OS and it was well received by the market. Even Sony Ericsson now is looking towards using the Android in its XPERIA range of handsets. The company has not confirmed this but they have said this venture is not impossible and is very much into Sony Ericsson's future agenda of the XPERIA range. Android is an open source mobile OS and XPERIA Android combination will give developers a chance to develop applications using Android for the XPERIA.
[Via: Yahoo News]
9:19 AM
its like google gphone woth Sony Ericsson interested in Android for XPERIA. i have a post related with this adroid. in