Sony Ericsson's flagship Windows Mobile based handset, the Xperia X1 cam but didn't do any damage to other Windows Mobile based smart phones and multimedia phones in the market, as it was portrayed to do. Now after the so so performance of the X1, Sony Ericsson is all set to launch the Xperia X. There is a strong rumor that X2 will be launched sometime today or tomorrow. The phone will run on Windows Mobile 6.5, will have one of the most powerful processors around and the graphics chip would be integrated within the processor. The image above is that of the X2, which some Sony Ericsson fans got their hands on. We will have to wait and see, if the X2 is launching and if yes then, how it can perform better than the X1. [Via]
1:43 PM
Thank you very much for posting this. I am so looking forward to this phone by SE.