Motorola Xoom, the Android Honeycomb powered tablet was launched in the US on 24th Feb 2011 and from that day it has been getting rave reviews. Analysts called it the iPad killer, which now a days, is the name given to any tablet that is launched and is not from Apple, LOL. Xoom has been getting positive and negative reviews, one thing is for sure that Xoom is not an iPad killer, it never was. But Having the multifunctional, tablet optimized Android Honeycomb on it, makes a lot of difference, especially in the number of features that Xoom has to offer as compared to the iPad. Now, the tablet is all set to enter into the Indian market with a price tag of INR. 35K. Xoom beats the iPad in many aspects but we also need to keep in mind that iPad falls into a different league altogether. Also, when it comes to India, Apple has always treated it as a dumping ground for all it's iPhones and iPads. They launch a new one in US and in a weeks time say that the old version of the same gadget will go on sale in India, which SUCKS big time. Once Xoom ends up in India, it might have many takers, but will face competition from Samsung's Galaxy Tab for sure. Galaxy Tab is also an Android based tablet but less priced than the Xoom, though the Xoom is powerful than both, iPad and Galaxy Tab. According to me, Android as an OS is pretty complex and simple technology with good features has an impact on mass adoption.
#Motorola #XOOM to Come to India
Motorola Xoom, the Android Honeycomb powered tablet was launched in the US on 24th Feb 2011 and from that day it has been getting rave reviews. Analysts called it the iPad killer, which now a days, is the name given to any tablet that is launched and is not from Apple, LOL. Xoom has been getting positive and negative reviews, one thing is for sure that Xoom is not an iPad killer, it never was. But Having the multifunctional, tablet optimized Android Honeycomb on it, makes a lot of difference, especially in the number of features that Xoom has to offer as compared to the iPad. Now, the tablet is all set to enter into the Indian market with a price tag of INR. 35K. Xoom beats the iPad in many aspects but we also need to keep in mind that iPad falls into a different league altogether. Also, when it comes to India, Apple has always treated it as a dumping ground for all it's iPhones and iPads. They launch a new one in US and in a weeks time say that the old version of the same gadget will go on sale in India, which SUCKS big time. Once Xoom ends up in India, it might have many takers, but will face competition from Samsung's Galaxy Tab for sure. Galaxy Tab is also an Android based tablet but less priced than the Xoom, though the Xoom is powerful than both, iPad and Galaxy Tab. According to me, Android as an OS is pretty complex and simple technology with good features has an impact on mass adoption.
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