Now, users with Windows Mobile OS on their handheld have something to cheer about. VLC, the world's most popular and open source media player for desktops and laptops is coming to Windows Mobile OS. This was a rumor sometime back but now it seems to be a reality. Some big guys named Jean from VLC indicated to the VLC - Windows Mobile OS tie up in his blog entry. There is no official confirmation from both, VLC and Windows Mobile but if this plater comes on Windows Mobile OS based mobile devices, it will be a bliss for many users cause Windows Media Player really sucks in front of VLC. You never know, this might have a positive impact on the sales of Windows mobile based devices. But I am still waiting for a VLC player for iPhone/iPod Touch....
[Via: WMExperts]
10:24 AM
10:09 PM
3:00 PM
thanks, have you tried "the core media player"? its pretty close to VLC in terms of funtionality