RIM along with its long time partner in India, AirTel, has launched Blackberry Pearl Flip phone in India. This is the first Flip phone from RIM's Blackberry portfolio. The phone features QWERTY keyboard with small external screen. The phone lets you easily share pictures, check the latest sports scores and post on social networking sites, including Facebook®, YouTube, and MySpace. The phone is priced at Rs. 21,990.
Key Features of this phone include:
•First BlackBerry smartphone to come in the popular flip design
•Built-in Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g) supporting extended data coverage and fast Web browsing
•Enhanced SureType® keyboard for easy text entry and phone dialing
•Support for text messaging, picture messaging, popular instant messaging services, personal email (access up to 10 supported email accounts), and corporate email
•2 megapixel camera with digital zoom, built-in flash and video recording
•Advanced media player for music, video and pictures with full-screen video playback
•Stereo Bluetooth support (A2DP/AVRCP) and 3.5mm stereo headset jack
•Media management software including the new BlackBerry® Media Sync application making it quick and easy to sync iTunes digital music onto the handset
•Enhanced HTML browser for high-performance browsing with desktop-style depiction
•Internal QVGA 2.4-inch diagonal display, 320 x 240 pixels and supports 65,000 colors
•1GB microSD card included
•Quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE/Wi-Fi network support including support for international roaming
•Dimensions (LxWxD): 101mm x 50 mm x 17.5 mm
•Weight (including removable battery): Approximately 102 grams
* Certain music files may not be supported, including files that contain digital rights management technologies.
[Via: AirTel]
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