Not Another Mobile Phone Blog

One of its kind Mobile Phone Blog, that gives you views and news about mobile phones from India and across the world. I am in love with Nokia and their phones but I also write about other mobile guys. Think Mobile..Think NAMP!!!!

I know, I know, the name of the post sounds like a bashed all around cd, which lot of people are playing every two three days. But yeah, when all the so called mobile gurus of the world gave piece of their brilliant minds on this topic, I thought a dumb fuck like me who thinks that phones are meant for calling people and sending sms, should also give some gyan on this hugely and widely discussed topic. Ok so what the one common thing between symbian and android, well they are smart phone OSs..haha no points for guessing that. On a serious note, both these OSs have become more and more complex and advanced from the day they have come into existence. While Symbian is backed by the biggest and arguably strongest mobile OEM Nokia, Android has backing of Google, which has done everything right from the day it was born, well almost right except Wave and Buzz, which sucked big time. In today's world apart from Nokia no other guys are ready to touch Symbian and its acceptance and share is going down slowly but still it remains world's widely used smart phone OS. I am nt updated with latest numbers but you get what I am saying right? So this Symbian getting screwed is primarily not because of Android but also other OSs like the BB OS, iPhone OS, which came and have taken the smart phone world by storm. Android did it well from the start. Backed by Google, Open Source, big player backing through Open Handset Alliance and other open source and apps shit. I am nt saying Symbian is bad, its a good OS but somewhere down the line Nokia and other Symbian supporting companies should think, "is this what Symbian made for? What is symbian's vision as a smart phone OS?" And other earth shattering questions. If you look back and think about the kinds of hardware Symbian has been offered on, u will realize some of that shit was the shiznit. Like the E71, Communicator E90. So hardware wise Nokia phones rock but if they can work around some magic with Symbian the big players like Samsung and HTC who are madly running behind Android and other OSs will stop and say, "hey are we missing anything, Symbian seems to have improved". If you can't do that, then stop ur loyalty to Symbian, I mean don't ditch it completely but a short affair with Android and ur hardware won't hurt man. I know guys over at Nokia and their social media agencies are busy scanning big blogs for Nokia views and reviews and it might happen that none of them read this post for the next 10 years. This post is nt about comparison of two OSs (sorry the title of post was like that as I wanted you to read it) but its more about common sense and getting done things at right time. If I have saddened any of you fanboys out there then I am really not sorry cause this according to me is the reality. I don't know who will survive, Android or Symbian. The one who gets the right hardware and OS combo will be the winner. If you don't agree with me let me know in comments.
PS-This post was written using a mobile phone so please ignore formatting mistakes and if possible spellings too.
Sent on my BlackBerry® from Vodafone

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