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In its quest to find the perfect mobile phone OS that will revamp its whole smartphone strategy, Nokia developed MeeGo. MeeGo, which is based on the Linux platform is the upcoming new OS that will be available through some of Nokia's new smart phones. MeeGo was announced at the Mobile World Congress by Nokia and Intel. Its the integration of Intel's Moblin and Nokia's Maemo. Apart from MeeGo, Nokia is also working on Symbian^3 and Symbian^4. So they have three smartphones OSs to tackle and position in the market in such a way that these OSs don't cannibalize each other. Anyway, screenshots of the MeeGo OS got leaked yesterday and after looking at the video I must say that, MeeGo as an OS looks impressive.The video shows the OS running in a Nokia phone emulator. After some initial clippings, it just hit me that the OS looks more like Android. I still feel that, Nokia should incorporate Android OS in its phones. This integration will really do wonders for this Finnish giant who is just living in its past glories, completely ignoring the future. Check out the video. [Via]

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