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Sep 16

Messaging_Nokia.JPGWith the Nokia Messaging for Nokia Devices launched, most of you are wondering how is it different from your normal email on mobile phone and what extra features it gives to an email addict. Nokia has positioned Nokia Messaging as easy to setup email for mobile individuals. It automatically delivers the mail to your mobile without you going and retrieving it from the server.This is possible as the Nokia Messaging uses IMAP idle protocol.There is HTML support and you can add up to 10 email accounts to Nokia Messaging. The application is available in 20 languages and for more than 10 Nokia devices. Apart from this it supports popular mail services from Yahoo!, Google, Windows Live, Ovi Mail and POP/IMAP accounts. It also supports Google Apps, Yahoo! Small Business email accounts. You can also add emoticons and share stuff real time. The video below gives an overview of Nokia Messaging. With the Nokia Messaging application Nokia has made sure that its easy to use email when you are mobile thus competing with Blackberry and the iPhone. The adoption of this service will be on large scale as Nokia's S60 based devices are abundant and Nokia lovers and haters would certainly try out this new application.

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