The Nokia N86 will be releasing in June 2009 along with another N Series phone from Nokia, The N97. Both these phones are special as N86 sports a 8 mega pixel snapper, while the Nokia N97 is the first touch screen phone that belongs to Nokia's N Series portfolio. Many things have been heard and said about the N86. One forum member at the HDBlog Italy has recently handled the N86 and has posted his first impressions about the device. He seems to be impressed with the device and thinks that the N86 is a nice upgrade over the N85, but then users should not have expectations from the phone. The N86 has much better slider mechanism and good materials used as compared to the N85. Screen size and resolution is ok not that impressive but the main thing for which the Nokia N86 is known for i.e. 8 mega pixel snapper is very unique. It has a variable diaphram, wide 28mm. The photo quality is good and maybe next firmware update will improve it more. Head over to his entry (its in Italian, BTW) and let him know what do you feel or are expecting from the N86
6:38 AM
Looks amazing. I prefer the N97 though.