Dudes over at Fone Arena have made this hands-on video of the latest X Series offering from Nokia the X6. Nokia X6 was unveiled at the Nokia World 2009 and is one of the most advanced XpressMusic handsets from Nokia. Nokia X3 was also launched along with the X6. The X6 boasts of a nice big touch screen, comes with music feature etc. The interface of the phone looks mostly like that of the Nokia 5800 but the touch screen experience looks good and even the sensitivity of the accelerometer built inside. Enjoy the video!!
Video: FoneArena Nokia X6 Hands-on
Dudes over at Fone Arena have made this hands-on video of the latest X Series offering from Nokia the X6. Nokia X6 was unveiled at the Nokia World 2009 and is one of the most advanced XpressMusic handsets from Nokia. Nokia X3 was also launched along with the X6. The X6 boasts of a nice big touch screen, comes with music feature etc. The interface of the phone looks mostly like that of the Nokia 5800 but the touch screen experience looks good and even the sensitivity of the accelerometer built inside. Enjoy the video!!
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