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3g_BSNL.jpgGuess who has BSNL roped in for its 3G services ad campaigns, Deepika Padukone. Most of you guys know that she is the brand ambassador of BSNL and she has done print and TV ads for BSNL's other services like the broadband. This time the tall babe is promoting BSNL's 3G services and the message is very loud and clear, BSNL 3G is Lightning Fast. Preity Zinta was the brand ambassador of BSNL before this but now BSNL is roping in new and fresh faces to build its brand image as a revolutionary service provider. Check out the BSNL 3G ad featuring Deepika Padukone.

In Feb of this year, BSNL introduced its 3G services in India and is aiming to make them available across 700 cities by the end of June. BSNL is aggressively promoting its 3G services as it is the only one after MTNL who is offering these kind of services. It has also partnered with Nokia for its 3G services.

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  1. Mehul  

    Decent ad! Does BSNL have any unlimited data plans? how affordable are they?

  2. Jagged Arrow Head  

    @MEhul - You can check out the plans for BSNL 3G here -

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