Apple has launched the much awaited iOS update 4.2 for the iPhone, iPod Touch and of course the iPad. But this new update will make the iPad owners very very happy as it brings, Multitasking, Folders, Game Center, AirPrint and AirPlay to the table. So now, iOS is bringing everything to the iPad that an iPhone and an iPod Touch have. This update will also have a free version of Find My Device that will be compatible with all these three rocking Apple devices. iOS 4.2 is compatible with every iPad, iPhone 4/3GS/3G and iPod Touch (2, 3 and 4th generation)
Apple has launched the much awaited iOS update 4.2 for the iPhone, iPod Touch and of course the iPad. But this new update will make the iPad owners very very happy as it brings, Multitasking, Folders, Game Center, AirPrint and AirPlay to the table. So now, iOS is bringing everything to the iPad that an iPhone and an iPod Touch have. This update will also have a free version of Find My Device that will be compatible with all these three rocking Apple devices. iOS 4.2 is compatible with every iPad, iPhone 4/3GS/3G and iPod Touch (2, 3 and 4th generation)
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