Not Another Mobile Phone Blog

One of its kind Mobile Phone Blog, that gives you views and news about mobile phones from India and across the world. I am in love with Nokia and their phones but I also write about other mobile guys. Think Mobile..Think NAMP!!!!

Eco-friendly green concept phones is not some thing new to Nokia. They have come with many cush concept phones before. This time, Nokia has come with a green concept phone with a twist. The phone works on kinetic energy and has been designed by a British designer, Matteo Trisolini. You can spin the phone around your fingers just like a keychain and the phone gets charged..ain't it cool?? Named as the EC-509 Green Core phone, it comes with recyclable PET screen cover, LED Battery indication and other eco-friendly and bio-degradable materials are used in the making of this phone. But it is really important for companies like Nokia who have such huge reach and penetration to make these phones available on a large scale. Then only their purpose pf being a green phone will actually make sense. What do you guys think??

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