Intel has already made its way into the desktop and the laptop market with its strong partnerships with global brands like Dell, HP, Toshiba. Now it seems that Intel wants to have a head start in the mobile phone market and who is a better partner than Nokia. Bloomberg has reported that, a conference call tomorrow will be announcing the partnership deal with Nokia and Intel, where Intel's Ultra Mobility Group would be making an announcement about this partnership. Nokia is the biggest and leading market share holder in the world of mobile phone and if this partnership goes through then Intel would be really happy as it can make a headway into mobile phone chips. In few months, back of Nokia phones might read, "Intel Inside".
Nokia Phones To be Powered by Intel Processors!!
Intel has already made its way into the desktop and the laptop market with its strong partnerships with global brands like Dell, HP, Toshiba. Now it seems that Intel wants to have a head start in the mobile phone market and who is a better partner than Nokia. Bloomberg has reported that, a conference call tomorrow will be announcing the partnership deal with Nokia and Intel, where Intel's Ultra Mobility Group would be making an announcement about this partnership. Nokia is the biggest and leading market share holder in the world of mobile phone and if this partnership goes through then Intel would be really happy as it can make a headway into mobile phone chips. In few months, back of Nokia phones might read, "Intel Inside".
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