Not Another Mobile Phone Blog

One of its kind Mobile Phone Blog, that gives you views and news about mobile phones from India and across the world. I am in love with Nokia and their phones but I also write about other mobile guys. Think Mobile..Think NAMP!!!!

MObile TV_Nokia.jpgThough, mobile TV technology sounds pretty cool, in the last couple of years there were not many takers of that technology. The TV on mobile thought has not sunk in properly with people in many parts of the world. Nokia, the world's leading mobile phone company, has sold its mobile TV business to Wipro. Nokia has done this as it wants to concentrate on the consumer side of its business. The company will concentrate on the mobile TV client in devices. I really don't know whats Wipro going to do with this unit that contains almost 40 employees who are expert in the hardware and software side of mobile TV business. [Via]

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