Now students at a Japanese University will get iPhones for free. Aoyama Gakuin University in Japan will now be giving its students free iPhones. The university has tied up with SoftBank, the only iPhone provider in Japan, for this new initiative. The students will be using their University supplied iPhones for attendance reporting, lecture podcasting and having online examination..maybe watching porn sometimes he he he...just kidding. Check out the news item below:
"Softbank Mobile, Japan's only cellphone operator dealing with iPhone 3G, and Aoyama Gakuin University announced on Friday that they would distribute the handset to all students studying at the university's school of social informatics. The students are allowed to use it for attendance reporting, lecture podcasting and having online examination. When a student submits his/her class attending to the university's office with the iPhone 3G, it attaches GPS-based location data and prevents answering the roll call for another to get a credit." [Via]
So when Universities in the US are making iPhone compulsory for students (not giving them free), Japanese universities are giving them for free. What do you think? I hope, someday, Indian Universities also do these kind of things, would like to go back and start the process of learning once again ;-)
8:18 AM
wow! i wanna study in japan too!!
9:37 AM
@Jyoti - Same here!!!
10:40 PM
But in Japan the iphone is really looked down as it's features are poor by comparison to other handsets. I bet most of the students don't end up using them!
7:39 AM
@Rick - Yeah you are right, apart from its excellent multi-touch technology, the iPhone does not have the features which most of the Japanese phones boast of!! Maybe thats why SoftBank has come up with this kind of initiative so that atleast the user base of iPhone increases and they get used to it..
12:05 PM
most countries can now claim free iphones, the iphone 3gs has made this possible and with websites offering iphones for free many more people are able to make use of the iphone.
10:36 AM
That's right! Tons of ways to get an iphone these days for free.