Check out this new phone from the land of "Mobile Clones", China. Ok, this is not a clone of any mobile phone but it looks more like a PSP Phone with a flip out gaming pads and the best part is that this phone can play NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) games and costs just 140$ thats so cheap man. How come these Chinese get all this ceap technology up and running. The phone model is Cool8800C and sports features that will drive you crazy, ok not crazy but yeah the features are pretty good. The phone has dual SIM card functionality, E-Book reader, Dual screen, NES Games compatibility, TV Receiver, MP3/MP4, card support goes upto 8GB...didnt I say you that when you compare the price with the features you will go Wow!! If you are planning to buy one to us within India then keep dreaming as the government is coming down pretty hard on such mobile phones.
If you like this phone then check out the Nokia 5800 look-alike D5800i WebXpress and Supermen Branded N66 Phone.
6:56 AM
This absolutely looks like mobile phone.