Nokia's upcoming NSeries touch screen phone the N97 was showcased this time at the CES 2009. Along with the N97, Nokia also demonstrated a unique GPS based application that keeps a track of your valuables. This physical wireless location tag was showcased by Nokia in the CES 2009. You just need to attach this tag to something like keys or you cannot afford loosing and you are all set. Next time somebody flicks that things from your pocket or purse or you accidentally drop it somewhere, the application sitting on your N97 will point you in the direction of your lost valuable and will also tell you how far it is from you. Just like they show in Hollywood movies. This is just a prototype that has been developed by Nokia's Research Center. To know more about what this application and physical tag can do for you, head over to Electric Pig and get informed more about this new applications. Whoever has said that mobile phone is the Swiss knife of the tech world is indeed correct.
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