Not Another Mobile Phone Blog

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AirTel will be launching the iPhone 4 in India officially in the month of September/October 2010. The phone, which is the 4th generation iPhone was launched by Apple this June and was one of the most anticipated gadgets of 2010 or should I saw now it has become most controversial due to the reception issues of the iPhone OS 4.0. Anyway, AirTel officials have confirmed that they will be launching this pricey gadget in India around September/October, which is in-sync with the rumors that were going around earlier.There is no word from Vodafone on the launch. There are no details about the pricing too. But I am sure by now we know that iPhone's official cost in India are way ahead than normal mid-range laptops. So if you are an Apple fanboy, believe in buying gadgets from the official route and don't mind paying a bomb for them wait till October 2010!! [Via Labnol, Tech2]

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