Not Another Mobile Phone Blog

One of its kind Mobile Phone Blog, that gives you views and news about mobile phones from India and across the world. I am in love with Nokia and their phones but I also write about other mobile guys. Think Mobile..Think NAMP!!!!

steve-jobs-iphone.pngApple's Tablet, the iPad, was one of the most anticipated device of 2010 (2010 has just started by the way so there are many more to come from other guys). When Steve Jobs launched the iPad on Jan 27 2010, the whole Internet came to a stand still and everybody was busy tracking, live blogging, tweeting, facebooking the event. Along with the iPad there was a rumor that Apple would be launching an upgraded version of the iPhone OS but as it was a iPad dedicated event no news came on that from. According to MacRumors, Steve Jobs had a meeting with his employees last week after the iPad event and has clearly specified that the next iPhone will be an "A+" one and Apple will make sure that they push aggressive updates to iPhone, which will help them to stay ahead in the race. So there is a high possibility that in June 2010, you will see a new iPhone with lot of upgrades. I guess, the new one will have a better camera say, 5 meg snapper, better video recording feature, beefed up memory, more processing power..the speculations can be endless. So lets wait and watch. Ohh, by the way regarding Flash on iPhone or any other Apple device, Jobs thinks that Flash bugs take down Apple's devices and Flash is not a big deal, HTML 5 is the future. Lets see how Adobe takes this one.

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