Not Another Mobile Phone Blog

One of its kind Mobile Phone Blog, that gives you views and news about mobile phones from India and across the world. I am in love with Nokia and their phones but I also write about other mobile guys. Think Mobile..Think NAMP!!!!

Online purchasing has become a common necessity for many new and existing e-commerce businesses.

In order to remain cost-effective and competitive during this tough trading environment, businesses need to ensure that they are maximizing the potential of their e-commerce website and retail outlets with optimum working capital. Uniqbe Limited offers the opportunity for their customers to access to a wide range of products with zero stock holding cost. Besides this, Uniqbe Limited offers 24/7 sales support to their customers through this newly-launched trading platform. Finally and most importantly, the website offers features like Verisign and it ensure customers to e-shop with a peace of mind.

Online distribution, a multi-billion dollar industry, is fast becoming a staple amongst U.S., Europe and Asia users. Uniqbe Limited's venture into this business demonstrates their commitment to become a part of the development of this industry. Uniqbe Limited differentiate themselves by offering a wide range of products, i.e. mobile phones, digital cameras, games consoles, mp3 & mp4 players and camcorders. The brands offered by Uniqbe Limited include Apple, Blackberry, Nokia, Sony, Sony Ericsson, Nikon, Motorola, Nintendo, Canon and others.

This new online trading platform is set to launch in April 2009. Uniqbe Limited is already allowing their new customers to register as members to enjoy the limited special offers & discounts on their consumer electronic products.

For more information about Uniqbe Limited, please visit Uniqbe.

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