Not Another Mobile Phone Blog

One of its kind Mobile Phone Blog, that gives you views and news about mobile phones from India and across the world. I am in love with Nokia and their phones but I also write about other mobile guys. Think Mobile..Think NAMP!!!!

I recently posted a question on LinkedIn, the famous professional Network on the web space. My intention of posting this question was to have views of people on what they expect from blogs on mobile phones. I run this blog and also contribute on Fone Arena Mobile Blog; the answers which I got would help me and other like me to improve their blogging skills and also help in increasing the readership of their respective blogs. Below are the answers given by people.All the answers are pretty insightful and if you go through them closely they have lot of points in common. The answers below are directly from the horse's mouth. I am sure that, these inputs will be helpful to fellow mobile bloggers. So enjoy and make the most of these inputs.

Stéphane Mot wrote: (Author and Chief Propagandist)
I blog about mobility and came across a few blogs on mobile phones. Some offer reviews for early adopters, other focus on design, software, one given brand or platform, or even one country...
I'm not interested in devices but in players and the way devices can introduce real disruptions on a market. New kind of partnerships, new breeds of players are welcome.
Links: Mot-Bile

Suchet Vatish wrote: (Marketing Communication at EXL Service(I) Pvt. Ltd., NASDAQ Listed Company)
You should provide information for Mobile Phone reviews, mobile marketing, and links to purchase cheapest and best mobile phones. You can also provide the images of mobile phones showing different views from different angles for that particular mobile. Provide best deals based upon the geography, details of the mobile phone vendors and the available network with that handset. anything in addition with the handset like free sms, accessories like bluetooth, headset etc. You can show the comparison between various mobile phones with all the network provider.

Sachendra Yadav wrote: (Sr. Product Manager)
I'm interested in knowing about the new technologies and trends in the mobile/wireless space and how they would affect the marketplace and/or the user experience.

Rajat Agrawal wrote: (Chief Mobi/blogger/journalist)
I run one such blog that you are talking about. The content depends on your target audience. Essentially, it should be a good mix of consumers, tech enthusiasts and the industry. For the consumers we have a handset database with search and compare features, reviews and news about latest product launches. For the tech enthusiasts, we talk about upcoming trends, technologies and new patents. For the industry, we predict upcoming launches and product announcements. This is just the beginning though.
Our stories are attributed in global tech blogs like engadget, gizmodo, CNET, crunchgear and the likes.
Please feel free to contact me directly if you require any more information.
Links: Cell Passion

Fernando Comet wrote: (Actionscript Developer and Designer at SHS Polar)
- Reviews of Mobile phones (specially comparatives)
- Notices from companies
- User experience, interviews
- Sotware and applications
- Links
- Tricks

Mayank Bhargava wrote: (Analyst at Infiniti Research)
A blog on mobile phone should have:
- A review on technology used
- Components used (for example use of TFT instead of LCD greatly improves the display quality)
- How is the phone different from other phones or for that matter the earlier models by the same company
- Can any other existing phone model, give us the same set of utilities and functions at a cheaper price
- It would be good to have reviews from the actual users of the phone

Alex Young wrote: (Owner, Helicoid Limited)
I think reviewing mobile web sites and data price plans would be beneficial, because a lot of people still don't seem to realise they're carrying around a portable web browser. Even if they have a phone with a poor browser, installing Opera Mini is generally possible.
For example, if you show young people social networking sites on their phones they get really into the whole idea.

Shalini Shingari(Product Manager- ACL wireless)
The kind of target audience you are planning to address with your blog derives the expectations from Mobile blog. Are they mobile developers or they are user experience people who are interested in usability studies in Mobile UI space? Are they group of audience who are keen on knowing news/policies or general information about mobile domain be it new handset launch, review about any handset or new operating system?
If you are not planning to have any specific target audience, the mobile blog can be space for any/all kind of information from news to UI reviews
Links: Small Surfaces

Sanjeev Himachali wrote: (HR Professional, Researcher, Motivator, Thinker, Career Coach and Human Relations Counselor)
It could be anything for which people use the mobile phone. It can be technology, features, brands, usage etc.

Jamil Chughtai wrote: (Search Engine Marketing Support)
I think that an ideal blog on the mobile phone industry would deal with the products and the companies that provide coverage for those products.
It might be prudent to include various posts for help on getting more features or fixing phones or allow comments asking questions about particular phone problems. I recall many times helping myself or friends with cell phone problems and one of the first results for the problem was a blog entry or a comment from a blog entry.

Ned James wrote: (Product manager, marketing, strategy)
I scan some blogs on mobile phone and what I like are:
- reviews
- side by side comparisons of specs
- pictures and even comparison pics with other models
- gossip about forthcoming phone & carrier news

Manish Somani – (Associate at Grail Research)
It should be clutter free. I have noticed many blogs are bull dozed with so much information, that it leads to reader fatigue quite early. I believe that a simple one is more beneficial than an overwhelming or distracting one.
It should be an original piece of information and not merely reworded review and comments. Respect the company’s confidentiality and proprietary information
I think that mission is simple - Raise the bar. Push the envelope. Whatever I know of you do let your blog have a distinct voice that shares your passion, a point of view
Please avoid ad placement (though a personal call)
Please also focus on emerging technologies and new usage – for e.g. mobile payments
Engage the reader – Ask for feedback, award the best ones, Polls etc
Avoid overtly salesy messages and personal opinion
Have that on the emails you sent - Viral Market
I think thats it.

After reading all these answers I came to the conclusion that, most of the people who have replied have highlighted these points –

Handset Reviews
Views of the blogger
Gossips about the upcoming phones
Technology Reviews
Blogger acting as a Agony Aunt

So now you people know the recipe of a good Mobile Handset blog!!!

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