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This is a very good article on country specific smart phone OS information. Instead of giving my take on it, I have just taken a part from that story and pasted below. Read if you are into smart phones and read even if you are not into it.

"UK - Blackberry (RIM) has shown rapid growth over the past year, and now hold second place in the smartphone market with 23.3% share, below Android on 37.4% but marginally higher than iOS on 22.0%.

USA - In Blackberry's historical stronghold it has lost market share with a drop from 32.5% in the 12 weeks to 13th June 2010 to 12.9% in the latest period. The unprecedented growth of Android is highlighted in the US market as it now holds a 55.1% of the market share.

Germany - Symbian remains the number 1 Smart phone platform, with a 30.5% market share, but this is down from 47.3% one year ago. Android has seen a steady increase in its share of the market, currently at 28.8%.

Italy - The Italian market is dominated by Symbian with a majority share of 49.8%. Apple's iOS and Android are almost neck and neck with 16.7% and 17.2% market share respectively.

France - France has seen tremendous change over the last three months with Android leap frogging both iOS and Symbian to take lead the market with a 32.5% share.

Australia - In October last year iOS over took Symbian for the first time and currently has 29.9% of the market, with Android laying claim to only 29.7%."

Read the full story.

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