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As promised, Samsung has showcased the latest version of its home grown Bada OS at the ongoing Mobile World Congress 2011. Bada OS 2.0 devices will start hitting tha market in 2011 Q2 onwards and Samsung is also putting an extra effort in building a strong developer ecosystem around Bada. The new version of Bada will feature, multitasking, Near Field Communications support, Flash Lite support, push notifications, Wi-Fi Direct Support, HTML5, text-to-speech and vice versa, Flash based screens, interactive lock screens and lot of other interesting stuff. Samsung is going all gung ho with the support it will be providing in the enhancement of Bada OS. Bada OS's main mantra is to give a smart phone like experience on non-smart phones. Also, Samsung is loyal to Android and is launching Android based phones, left right and center. Given Bada's value proposition and positioning, I don't think it will directly compete with Android on all fronts but going ahead, I am sure Samsung has to choose one of the two OSs and that in case if Bada becomes extremely popular and even if it doesn't, Samsung always has Android to fall back. Isn't It?? Check out the Bada 2.0 Presentation for detailed information.

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