launched heir 3G services yesterday in Bangalore. Chennai will be another city that will be getting 3G services from airtel soon. As of now, airtel has 3G licenses for 13 circles across India and the company is building up its base and strategy so that they can collaborate with other service providers and launch 3G services across 1500 cities by March 2012. Atul Bindal, president for mobile services, Bharti Airtel, said, "We are in touch with other operators for 3G alliances outside our licensed zones." But he declined to divulge the names and the partnership models. He said the company would initially launch the service in its 13 3G license circles by March 2011.With the advent of 3G services and Mobile Number Portability, mobile service provider like airtel and Vodafone are all gearing up and come up with best of the data plans to woo customers into their networks.
airtel 3G to Reach 1500 Cities Across India by March 2012 launched heir 3G services yesterday in Bangalore. Chennai will be another city that will be getting 3G services from airtel soon. As of now, airtel has 3G licenses for 13 circles across India and the company is building up its base and strategy so that they can collaborate with other service providers and launch 3G services across 1500 cities by March 2012. Atul Bindal, president for mobile services, Bharti Airtel, said, "We are in touch with other operators for 3G alliances outside our licensed zones." But he declined to divulge the names and the partnership models. He said the company would initially launch the service in its 13 3G license circles by March 2011.With the advent of 3G services and Mobile Number Portability, mobile service provider like airtel and Vodafone are all gearing up and come up with best of the data plans to woo customers into their networks.
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