With 3G services slowly being launched across India, its time for we Bangaloreans to be happy cause AirTel will be launching 3G in Bangalore today. This news is not confirmed as of now by the company, but many of the company's customers got a small invitation saying, "Get Set. AirTel 3G is coming to Bangalore. Lets see. I am sure this has to happen sooner or later cause Tata DoCoMo is already garnering some positive attention thanks to their fast 3G services and the initial reports have been good!
AirTel 3G Coming to Bangalore
With 3G services slowly being launched across India, its time for we Bangaloreans to be happy cause AirTel will be launching 3G in Bangalore today. This news is not confirmed as of now by the company, but many of the company's customers got a small invitation saying, "Get Set. AirTel 3G is coming to Bangalore. Lets see. I am sure this has to happen sooner or later cause Tata DoCoMo is already garnering some positive attention thanks to their fast 3G services and the initial reports have been good!
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