Not Another Mobile Phone Blog

One of its kind Mobile Phone Blog, that gives you views and news about mobile phones from India and across the world. I am in love with Nokia and their phones but I also write about other mobile guys. Think Mobile..Think NAMP!!!!

Mobile Number Portability (MNP) is something, which we Indians are eagerly waiting for. And like how it happens in India with all the things related to technology, it is also getting postponed. MNP was supposed to be implemented but 30th June 2010 but now it has been postponed to 30th October 2010 and if you have been the postponing trend of 3G auctions, I am sure this date is also fake and it will get postponed again. All this is happening because of the mobile services operators who are not that inclined towards MNP, given the volatile mobile calling rates and also the complexity involved in implementing MNP in a country like India. So we still have to wait for 4 more months for MNP to come or should I say get postponed again?? [Image Via]

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