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Like Nokia, all Symbian and Nokia fans are eagerly waiting to get their hands on N8 and other upcoming devices, which will be running on Symbian^3 OS. Nokia is putting forward Symbian^3 as the OS for next generation smart phones, which the company will start churning out from this year, most probably. Symbian^3 looks more or less like S60 5th Edition OS, which runs the Nokia N97, Nokia 5800, N97 Mini and other touch phones from Nokia. But in terms of features and speed, it is mush ahead of S60 5th Edition. With increased RAM size, Symbian^3 enables phones to run multiple applications with speeds and accuracy. There are other enhancements like player updates, enhanced widgets, single tap interface, pinch to zoom etc. But these enhancements are not something that smart phone users are not getting on other phones. Nokia cannot pitch the Symbian^3 OS on these features. They need to come out with phones that has excellent hardware that can make optimum use of Symbian^3’s multitasking features, which will result in customer delight. I think the Symbian^3 OS cannot be judged when it comes out in the market on Nokia N8. May be by the end of next year, Nokia will have more S^3 devices that are stable, fast and give existing and new Nokia users a smart phone experience, they have not got before. Nokia needs to do something like this, to beat its competition in the smart phone race and we should not forget that when Nokia is doing this S^3’s competing OSs like the iOS, Android, Linux based OSs will keep on improving and adapting to better and faster hardware.

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