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Keeping Facebook's popularity in mind, Apple is making sure that the new upcoming iPhone 4G, which will be launched on June 7th 2010, is built in close integration with the world's most popular SNS. Alley Insider reports that they have come to know from sources that the new iPhone will have Facebook contact syncing directly into the OS.Earlier this was a feature of the Facebook app for the iPhone but now it will come as a part of the iPhone's OS.They got some info on Apple integrating Facebook Connect into iPhone's SDK. Other Facebook specific things that you might get in this year's iPhone is the integration of Facebook messaging just like your SMS for your contacts. This year, the upcoming iPhone is becoming a hot topic every passing day and it has already been leaked twice first at a pub in the US and now it surfaced on a Vietnamese website. Lets wait for June 7th for the Apple WWDC to start and see whats in store.

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