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Nokia flagship 12 MP camera phone the N8 is for real thats for sure. I am saying this cause the god of mobile bloggers Eldar Murtazin has once again got his hands on this new imaging monster from Nokia before anyone else. Best part is that this imaging phone has a Xenon flash which is like awesome add-on for a imaging phone. The only imaging phone from Nokia, which had the Xenon flash was Nokia N82 and it rocked and is still rocking as an imaging phones. Anyway, coming back to the N8, Eldar has previewed this phone ans is pretty impressed with the build quality of the phone as per say. If you see the images below, you will notice that though the N8 runs on Symbian^3 it is not that different in terms of UI from Symbian 5th Edition. Even the home screen looks like that of the N97. The phone is also capable of recording in HD and also has a HDMI port that can be connected to a big HD display. I think that the 12 MP camera the phone's display and HD capabilities look pretty impressive and will give this phone an unique proposition. The phone will supposedly launching tomorrow and we will see whats more in store. Read Eldar's Preview.

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