Not Another Mobile Phone Blog

One of its kind Mobile Phone Blog, that gives you views and news about mobile phones from India and across the world. I am in love with Nokia and their phones but I also write about other mobile guys. Think Mobile..Think NAMP!!!!

Today mobile apps have a come a long way. There are apps, which are so adbanced and hi-tech that, few years back I did not even think that apps like these would even exist in the future. I have come across many augmented reality apps on phones and they sometimes were impressive and sometimes not so impressive. One such amazing app that might make its way to phones is the Photo Translator. This app is as of now available only for the Nokia N900 and its not released yet. You can anyway check out the pre-release video below and see what this app can do for you. As the name suggests, this app lets you translate text in any of the photos and images to the language you want. So if you are traveling and don't know a language and still want to understand whats written on a signboard. Just click the photo and using the app select the text you wanna translate and the app will do it for you. The pre-release version really looks awesome and if commercialized this app will be very helpful to travelers. Imagine a Nokia N900 loaded with Ovi Maps and this App...who needs a navigation device???

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