You have to shell out more cash if you are planning to buy a mobile phone in Maharashtra , all thanks to the government's decision to hike the sales tax rate from 4% to whooping 12.5%. This has certainly impacted the sales of many retailers who deal into mobile phones and now they have started protecting against the government in order to get these rates down. Maharashtra Mobile Trade Association has gone and met the guys ate sales tax office so that they can come up to a solution which will be beneficial for the government, retailers as well as consumers. Apart from the retailers, big mobile OEM players like Nokia are also of the opinion that higher tax rates would bring the sales down and government would eventually loose out on the money. Let see how this turns out to be but in troubled times like these, higher tax rates on mobile phones is like assault to injury.
You have to shell out more cash if you are planning to buy a mobile phone in Maharashtra , all thanks to the government's decision to hike the sales tax rate from 4% to whooping 12.5%. This has certainly impacted the sales of many retailers who deal into mobile phones and now they have started protecting against the government in order to get these rates down. Maharashtra Mobile Trade Association has gone and met the guys ate sales tax office so that they can come up to a solution which will be beneficial for the government, retailers as well as consumers. Apart from the retailers, big mobile OEM players like Nokia are also of the opinion that higher tax rates would bring the sales down and government would eventually loose out on the money. Let see how this turns out to be but in troubled times like these, higher tax rates on mobile phones is like assault to injury.
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