It will be raining Samsung phones this July in India. The Korean mobile giant is all set to launch 7 new phones in the Indian market. Most of these phones have made their debut around the world and now its India's turn to check out their performance. Unlike any other company, Samsung is on a launching spree this year, churning out phones that are high-end and might lead other smart phones to run for their money. The following phones will show up on the Indian shores soon,
Samsung Jet in the last week for Rs. 24,150.
Three Omnias, One rugged phone, Pixon 12 and Android based phone.
Omnia HD - Rs. 36,000
OmniaPRO 7610 - Rs. 27,000
Omnia PRO 7320 - Rs. 17,500
Pixon12 - Rs. 34,000
B2100 and Galaxy (I7500) - Price unknown
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