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ShapeWriter.jpgIf you are bored by tapping your finger on the QWERTY keyboard of the iPhone then check out ShapeWriter. It lets you Input text in an entirely different way. ShapeWriter will make you remember Swype keyboard for touch screen phones. Like Swype, ShapeWriter lets you create words by just sliding your fingers over the different letters that the word is made of. The tool also recognizes words that are not in its in-built memory, you just need to type in the word once and next time when you slide your fingers over the letters of that word it instantly appears on the screen. This one will make texting on iPhone fun and a bit different. You can also cut, copy and paste text using the command toll that is built within this application. The software is available in two versions, ShapeWriter, which is free and ShapeWriter Pro, which is a paid app. You can download the app from iTunes Store. This application made to Time Magazine's Top 11 iPhone Applications list. Check out the video below and get to know the application.

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  1. Mehul  

    Nice. Looks cool. It'll probably take quite some time to get used to, but looks fun! I really wish though they had haptic feedback on Iphone, that would have been cooler.

  2. Jagged Arrow Head  

    @Mehul- Yeah Haptic feedback is something, Apple should provide on the iPhone. You never know may be the upcoming versions of the iPhone might have it

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