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In its ongoing effort to provide interesting multimedia solutions to consumers on its mobile devices, N Series the premium multimedia sub brand of Nokia has announced Nokia Ntheatre, an exciting and unique offer on its range of multimedia devices. Nokia Ntheatre brings alive the concept of enjoying one's personal dose of mobile entertainment anytime, anywhere, enabling consumers to watch DVD quality movies in a personalized space on the cutting edge technology mobile entertainment powerhouses from Nseries, including the Nokia N79, N85, N95 8GB and N96.
Consumers purchasing the Nokia N79, N85, N95 8GB and N96, will be entitled to select five movies of a specific genre from a choice of 5 genres viz., action, comedy, thriller, drama and assorted on a free 4 GB multimedia card from the Nseries movie library. The movies include an assortment of Hollywood and Bollywood hits including blockbusters such as Spiderman in Action, Jerry Maguire in Drama, Raaz in Thriller and Gods Must be Crazy in Comedy. The offer will be valid till the end of June 2009.
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Sharing details about this interesting consumer initiative, Vineet Taneja, Director-Marketing, Nokia India said, "Nokia Ntheatre is our salute to all movie buffs in India. It brings the home theatre experience to Nseries consumers. Whether it is watching Spiderman on your rooftop or unearthing deep secrets in your backyard through your very own exclusive screening of Da Vinci Code, Ntheatre enables you to live your movie experience in your own space. With this unique consumer offering, we are taking another step forward in our commitment towards providing the consumers a complete entertainment package on-the-go, through our powerful range of Nseries devices."
How To activate Nokia N-Theatre on Your N Series Handset:
• Buy a new Nokia Nseries device Nokia N79, N85, N95 8GB and N96
• Get 5 movies of your choice free on 4GB multimedia card (MMC)
• Insert MMC in the device and get the scratch card in MMC pack
• Send the scratch code to 55555 to activate all movies
• Sit back and live the true movies experience on your new Nseries device
The Ntheatre movie library:


Title 1

Title 2

Title 3

Title 4

Title 5



Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

Charlie's Angels




Jerry Maguire

The Devil's own

A few good men

Jab We Met

Om Shanti Om


The Da vinci code

The Usual Suspects

Wild things




You don't mess with Zohan

Gods must be crazy

My Best friend's wedding


Golmal returns


The Da Vinci Code


A few Good Men


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  1. Mehul  

    This is very nice, 5 DVD quality movies! I am guessing that all the N series phones will have awesome resolution, so watching movies on them will actually be fun.

  2. Jagged Arrow Head  

    @Mehul - yeah watching these movies on N96 and the N85 would be a bliss as they have big screen backed by crisp and clear resolution

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