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twittix.jpgOne more Twitter client for Nokia smart phones is launched. Say hi to Twittix. By the time you might have read about the Gravity Twitter application for S60 phones, MojosMobile has launched Twittix. Twittix is a native Twitter client for Nokia smart phones just like Gravity but its not that advanced as the Gravity client. With the help of Twittix, you can send Tweets, reply, send direct messages, send re-tweets, follow & unfollow people. The application also has a search function and auto update feature. It gives you tabbed view of time lines, replies, messages, favorites, followers and the people whom you are following. Check out all the fun functions here and you can download the application's trial version from here as the application is not free and full version costs €4.95 inc Taxes.

The Application is compatible with Nokia 3250, 5320 XpressMusic, 5500, 5700, Nokia 5800 Xpress Music, 6110, 6120, 6121, 6210, 6220, 6290, 6650, E50, E51, E60, E61, E61i, E62, E63, E65, E66, E70, E71, E90, N71, N73, N76, N77, N78, N80, N81, N82, N91, N92, N93, N95, N95 8GB and N96.

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