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Symbian Foundation Members.JPGLast November saw the formation Symbian Foundation in order to come up and compete with other open source mobile phone platforms like Android, LiMo etc. The foundation released its road map and said that the Symbian Foundation devices will hit the market by the end of 2009. Sony Ericsson also showcased its first device the Idou that runs on Symbian Foundation. As of today, Symbian Foundation has opened its Beta test trial for thousands of developers who work on the Symbian platform. The main focus of this test trial is to invite these developers to test and give feedback on the foundation's developer website. In order to make the initiative more developer friendly, the Foundation's website has all the platform release information, council charts, wikis and forums where developers can collaborate. The main advantage that Symbian Foundation has over its competing open source platform is that, Symbian has a large pool of established developer case and this will indeed give a competitive advantage to the Symbian Foundation's open source mobile phone platform. A public beta will also be launched by Symbian Foundation soon so that apart from the developers any normal mobile phone user can try this new platform out. Symbian Foundation has also announced Zoom OMAP34x-II mobile development platform based on the OMAP technology by Texas Instruments as the first standard hardware development platform for developers. It seems that, since its inception, Symbian Foundation is making progress pretty fast with a device already being showcased by Sony Ericsson.

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