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This news add some more fuel to the fire that is being going around about Apple launching the new iPhone on June 2009. With Apple announcing the dates of WWDC, speculations are at all time high man. A report b y Lazard Capital Market Analysts says that, Apple is planning to launch a 32GB version of the iPhone in June 2009. This piece of hardware will have 32GB of flash memory. Apart from a 32GB version Apple will also be launching a low-end 3G version for emerging countries like India, China, Brazil and Russia. The low-end version wont be having Wi-Fi technology. Coming back to the 32GB version, apart from the beefed up memory other added feature that is being speculated is a improved camera. One thing is sure that the new iPhone is coming this June but lets see how much it is in-line with the prediction made by Analysts.

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