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Samsung Taiwan has launched a new cute looking phone, the Samsung S3030 a.k.a Samsung Tobi. The slider phone is made of anti-allergic non toxic environmental friendly acrylic material. The cartoon charecter on the back can be changed. The phone has a SOS alarm, support for Bluetooth chat room, 1.3 mega pixel snapper, built-in FM radio, MP3 playback, built-in mobile phone tracker and 15MB built-in memory expandable up to 8GB. The phone is targeted at 8 year old kids. The phone will be available in Cool Green (green black), Flying Blue (blue), sweet red (red and white) colors. The SOS feature on the phone lets the user activate a very loud alarm when he or she is in trouble, guess that is why its for kids as they can use the phone to protect themselves. Check out the launch pics below. [Via]






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  1. Donna Harris  

    Samsung is one of the great model. It has three small keys, Green White and Red. The camera quality is ok in bright light but it does not do that well in low light conditions. It is the best for communication. I agree with your article.

  2. Luxury Cell Phones  

    Wow what cute mobile. The colour, The design and the feature of this mobile is really very nice. I really want this mobile.
    Thank you.

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