Ring tone, as most of you must be knowing is a nice way to customize your mobile phone and set a unique identity of yourself. But when people get too brainy and they do too much of research you can use these simple and easy to use ring tones to do stuff you never would have imagined. A geeky guy from Japan, who is a Cognitive Scientist (don't ask me what does that word mean, I heard it for the first time I watched this video today), has done a research and come to a conclusion that ring tones can be altered to send messages to the mind...Whoaa...sounds too geeky. Ok the good part is, this guy has said that these ring tones can be used to enhance breasts and stimulate hair growth. The video shows a girl who is the part of this experiment and after listening to the specialized ring tones developed by this guy, for a specific time realizes that her breasts are grown by Cm...Ain't this cool!!! Check out the video below and know it all!! If you are a guy and next time you are in Japan and you get this sound on your phone, beware, something unwanted might come up!!
3:19 PM
I am following up on the Bangalore Indiblogger meet this Saturday at Microsoft campus http://www.indiblogger.in/bloggermeet.php?id=26. It is at tomorrow 3:30 PM. Just a gentle reminder. Looking forward to meeting with you there.
anwin at indiblogger dot in
3:49 PM
Hi Anwin I will be there. Unless some unavoidable circumstances crop up.
3:50 PM
Thanks for the invitation :-)