Check out this pretty cool commercial from RIM. This is a Blackberry Storm commercial. So whats special about this ad?...In this ad you will see a bullet made of Blackberries blowing up an still don't get it?? With this ad RIM wants to show someone that who is the real iPhone Killer and blow up Apple. Pretty interesting ad, as advertisements like this generally belong to the world of Soft drinks where one company takes on the other one. Like you must have see the Pepsi ads taking on Coke, but this is the first time some mobile handset company has conveyed its message so directly indirect!!! Enjoy the ad.
2:43 AM
I love blackberry, thanks for information..
10:52 PM
Apple's response to this (I'm neither a bb nor an apple fan, BTW) ad shows how important it is for the craetives to consider what the backlash will be ... Apple definitely used it to their advantage. Just a question, though: are these only viral videos or did they play on TV? I'm not in the US
8:01 AM
@Ben - No these are purely viral videos