Meet the Samsung M700, the new phone from Samsung, which has leaked just before the MObile World Congress, which kicks-off in a week. This phone, which closley resembles a PSP is a audiophile's delight, as it features, audio technology from Bang and Olufsen. The phone has a full touch screen 2.8 inch AMOLED display with 3 mega pixel snapper, HSDPA connectivity, Bluetooth and full DivX support. As I mentioned before, the in-built B&O amplifier is a audiophile's delight and if you are into creating your own music then you can use this phone's DJ application in the same way a DJ uses his/her turntable to scratch, add effects etc. You can even record your newly created music and you never know you might be the next DJ Aqeel of India. This is not the first time that the Korean mobile giant has partnered with Band and Olufesn, in 2008, both the companies launched the Samsung Sereneta Music phone for the style conscious audiophiles.
[Via: Daily Mobile]
11:21 AM
what is the current price of this phone ???
11:29 AM
The phone will be availabe on shelves in May 2009, there is no info on the pricing yet